Thursday, 1 July 2010

Lip Syncing Tasks

In preparation for our lip syncing task, we faced difficulties such as having to do close up shots to show our lips moving at the same time as the song accurately. Also another difficulty was people in our group, including myself were shy when filming as it was our first lip syncing task. It was difficult to get the actual track to match our lip syncing.
Having to memorize the lyrics within a certain time was also difficult.
Another difficulty we faced was to be creative as well as being shy and embarrassed.

We had worked well as a group as we helped one another feel comfortable around the people we worked with. we re-shot a lot of the shots to get it right which shows us working well together as a team.

we done an additional lip syncing task with a song we was familiar too, this made our task easier to carry out as we already knew how the song goes; the music, lyrics and the timings.
the difficulties we faced was the camera movements and pan movements, but we gradually built the confidence to be creative with the camera works also the story board itself. Also our self confidence had improved as we all acted a few things out in some of our shots as how real singers/performers would do on their music videos.

On this lip syncing task technical accuracy was one of our aims as in general music videos you would see creative shots with no mistakes. So we tried achieving this by re-taking the same shot a few times to get it perfectly accurate.

We plan to overcome these difficulties by doing more practise lip syncing tasks and to feel confident as well as comfortable around my team members. being able to clown around infront of the camera.


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